The lovely morning dew on the pretty flower,
The chirping of birds in the sky,
The sound of the wind so clear,
In the midst of clear blue sky,
Morning is so beautiful,
Mornings are so bright,
The sun shining to its glory,
With that first ray of light,
Have a lovely day,
As I wish you today,
A very good morning!

Stop worrying about whether
It’s a Sunday or Monday
Just relax, sit by the window
Soak in the sun’s warm rays
Stop fretting about all
The work you have to get done
Give yourself a break, think about
What you’ll do to have fun
Early mornings are too precious
To be spent in doubt and worry
Just focus on what you need to do
To be successful and happy.
Good morning

Every morning rings in a new day,
Every day rings in new hopes,
Every hope rings in new desires,
And every desire rings in a new life.
Every such thought renders a new feeling,
And a good feeling defines a newer YOU.
Good Morning!

Dreaming is easy, doing is not
This is what you must understand
In life, if you want to achieve
All that you’ve planned
Back your ideas up with actions
Take challenges head on
This is your time to shine out
Rise up, don’t waste a new dawn.
Good morning.
The bright new sun,
To welcome you
To a day full of fun,
And all the happiness,
That were dew.
The fresh new blossoms,
To make you smile.
Filling you all and leaving no room,
And loving you in the meanwhile.
Good morning!
Success lies in finding the courage
To step out of your comfort zone
Victories lie in having the conviction
That you are stronger than stone
Winning in life, is less about
What you have done till today
It is more about having the belief
That no matter what, you will find a way.
Good morning.
Waking up early is tough
Of that, there’s no doubt
But you must, if in life
You want to shine out
That one tiny step
Of getting out of your bed
Is really, all it takes in life
To start getting ahead.
Good morning.
New day brings in new hopes,
New day brings in new scopes,
You can do what you wished for with a fresh mind,
May you get everything you wish to find,
It’s a new day to spread the joy,
Wish you a bright and sunny good morning!
Bright and beautiful
The sun is rising
Promising and brilliant
Your future is shining
Achievements and awards
Success is waiting
But first you need to stop
The alarm clock from snoozing.
Good morning
Mornings are the time to rejoice,
Because mornings bring in new joys,
A new way to travel the path,
A brand new start,
Morning is the best time of the day,
Where you can just have your say,
So, here is my wish for the day
Good morning and have a nice day!
Problems aren’t going to fix themselves
Challenges aren’t going to disappear
Difficulties, troubles and murky situations
Aren’t magically going to get clear
While life can get daunting at times
Hopping over roadblocks is actually easy
If you work hard, moving ahead
Is in fact, really very breezy.
Good morning.
A very good morning to you,
My wish is you rise and shine,
Without any complain or whine,
Get what you want this new day,
Forget what happened yesterday,
Look forward to the day so new,
My lovely morning wish to you,
Good morning!
This is not just another day
This is your destiny’s way to say
That you have one more opportunity
To fulfill your dreams
And live your fantasy
Grab it while you can
Don’t let it go
A new beginning is not
A chance you want to throw.
Good morning.
There is nothing left now,
As it’s a new day today,
All the things of night are away,
Everything just faded in dark,
Today is a new start with a new spark,
Birds are singing in their tone,
Some things known and some unknown,
Will have to find a new way,
As it’s another day,
Good morning!
Do something new
Do something exciting
Do something crazy
Do something unnerving
This should be your motto
For every new day
Get out of your comfort zone
To live life, that’s the only way.
Good morning.
Early mornings are
Beautiful and fun
Innocent and fresh
Their beauty is matched by none
Soak in the beautiful hues
Of the warm sunshine
Absorb the peace and calm
It’ll give you less reasons to whine
Watch the mist and dew
On the grass blades
Live life to the fullest
Before its beauty fades.
Good morning.
It’s the time to make a new start
It’s the time to start afresh
For all the things you want to do
To reduce all your stress
Morning is a time to cheer
so mark the most of it my dear
Its the time to set all task
Setting in things and in the bask
Morning is the time to smile
In the day and while!
Good morning to you!
In life, what you did before
Has absolutely no relevance
What happened in the past
Shouldn’t matter, not even once
Look at yourself in the mirror
What is important, are not the scars
But the determination in your eyes
To move ahead and go far
Remember this, every single time
You think about what happened before
None of that matters, as long as you’re
Willing to go the distance and soar.
Good morning.
A new dawn brings new light for the day,
A new dawn brings many new hopes
You can have a wishful life
When you have that scope
A new dawn brings a positive vibe
With things that are gone
There may be a new strive
But with the cheer and on
A new dawn brings a new light
To make things so bright
Have a lovely day!
Good morning!
Has given way
To the bright skies
And a beautiful new day
The sun has risen
The day has begun
Now is your chance
To get things done.
Good morning.
Just the thought of being successful
At times, may seem elusive and daunting
All it takes, is relentless determination
Back by a little bit of planning
Just zero in, on what you want in life
Focus on your priorities, forget the rest
The journey will be tough, there will be lows
But in the end, you’ll emerge as the best.
Good morning.
The vibrant colors of the morning,
That freshness and the hue,
There is something magical in the air,
It feels so good and new,
Embrace the day with your might,
Pretty is every sight,
Because it’s a very beautiful day,
So, go ahead and make your way,
More special this day,
Good morning to you!
Everyone has regrets
Everyone makes mistakes
Everyone has a bad past
Everyone, has much at stake
Don’t let your past’s burden
Turn your smiles into frowns
Life, gives you a chance
To move on with every new dawn.
Good morning.
The sun is shining all bright and new,
There is something fresh in the dew,
Something which states the feeling of the heart,
For getting that perfect start,
For the day so bright and new,
Get up and get going for today,
Coz it’s just another wonderful day.
Good morning to you!
It is important to start your day with a smile,
Look outside the window for a while,
Look at the clear blue sky,
The birds are also flying high,
So, freshen up a bit for today,
As its start of a bright day.
Good morning to you,
Have a nice day!
As the morning clouds gently wake you up,
And your favourite steaming coffee beside you in a cup.
So blissful and serene is the morning,
The breeze and the sights leave you admiring.
Today is fresh and new,
Just like the early morning dew.
May you wake up to the sweet sound of the chirping birds,
May the morning sweet and fresh breeze hit your ears.
May you have someone you love, serve you morning tea.
May dreams come true, and may nightmares stay under
the bed sheet underneath!