Here’s Wishing You Take Good Care Of Yourself.

True care cannot be expressed in words, it can be expressed only through possessiveness and anger when you get close to others… Take Care Dear.
Care is sweetest form of love. When someone says take care it really means that you will stay in their heart till its last beat. So Take Care.
Each day of life is special, so are you. Keep living every moment of it and take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself and hold onto what you love most during the trying times ahead. I wish you a happy and healthy future.
Take care of your health and especially mental health. If you are not mentally happy, you never gonna be happy.
You’re always in my thoughts, and I wish the best for you. Take care, my dear friend.
Being near is not always the meaning of being dear. I may be far from you, But my massages are bridges to make you feel that I Always With You. Take Care
Someone remembers, Someone cares, Your name is whispered in someone’s prayers. Keep dis beautiful feeling in view, Someone is always wishing good for you. Take care
I sent my cares to the wind and asked the wind to pass them to you when you feel the wind blowing against your face that’s me, saying… take care.
You Mean a lot to me, and so does your Health and Happiness, So Here’s a wish to say, Take Good Care of Yourself.