Thank you for attending our wedding and showering us with your good wishes. Your presence at the event made the day truly memorable.
Your presence at our wedding is what made this day special. Thank you for celebrating with us and sharing in the experience.
I really had the most beautiful as well as most wonderful time at my wedding just due to your presence in it. I hope you did too. I am so glad that you visited us.
Thank you very much for celebrating our wedding day with us.
You gave joy to our day and warmth to our lives and happiness to our hearts in being there at our wedding.
My wedding day is a very special day for me and thank you for creating sweet memories with us. Your smile, your love, your support and your beautiful thoughts are so wonderful and worthless! Thank you!
Our special day; our wedding day will not be that complete and successful without your support and love. We truly appreciate your time and effort for us and we would like to thank you for celebrating it with us. Thank you!
Thank you for being there at our beautiful moment. Thanks for coming to our wedding!
We were truly blessed to have you share in our celebration with us. It means more than we can ever express to you.
I am really very glad that you are the part of my wedding, thanks a lot for attending my wedding.
I can’t be more thankful to you for coming to our big day out of your busy schedule. Thank you so much!
We shall always be grateful to you for attending our wedding. It means a lot to us.
I had a great time celebrating the most important day of my life with my friends and family. Your beautiful gift added to the celebration. Thank you so much for everything.
I am blessed that I have someone like you who can make even a wedding so full of excitement. Thank you so much for coming and being there as the part of my wedding.
Hi dear friend! You simply made my wedding day a lot more special by means of your beautiful thoughts. Thank you for all your love and support. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are so much appreciated.
It’s really a wonderful feeling to see you in our wedding day. Allow us to thank you for all your wonderful thoughts. It really means a lot for us! Thank you very much!
You made our day more joyful with your presence and present both. Thank You!
You attendance at our wedding is what made the day so special to us. We truly appreciate everything you did to help us ensure the day went great!
Thank you for all your loving thoughts! Thank you for coming into my wedding day!
We couldn’t have had such a wonderful celebration without you. You’re a big reason why our wedding was so special to us.
Thank you for the wonderful love and thoughtful prayers. My wedding becomes a very special moment because you made it so. Thank you!
Thank you for celebrating such a special day with our family. We cannot express how much it meant to have you there with us.
You helped us create long lasting memories and spread joy and laughter. Thanks for attending my wedding!
The day of wedding is said to be the most auspicious day of one’s life and it becomes more valuable and worthless, when you’re the best old companions join you and show their love and make your day special. Thank you to all my group mates for your presence on my wedding.
We cannot thank you enough for helping us celebrate our special day. Thank you for your presence and all you did.
Thank you so much for coming to my wedding celebration. It would have not been so much fun and loving if you were not present in it.
I am so lucky to have my special ones around me to celebrate my happiness with you. Grateful that you were there beside me. Made me feel the best.
I really appreciate your presence at my wedding. You made me really glad by showing up and staying that long.
Thank you for the beautiful thoughts for my wedding day. It is so wonderful to know that you did so much effort for us. Thank you!
Thank you for all of your help and dedication towards making our wedding day so special.
I actually have no words to express my happiness to you that how special you made me feel with you presence at my wedding.
Your presence in every happy moment in life make that eve way more special for me. I count myself blessed that I have you.